Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill Published

Shortly before Christmas the Government introduced the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill to Parliament.
The Government has stated the Bill will protect children’s welfare and raise standards in education.
This wide ranging document encompasses 38 proposed legislative reforms including measures relating to home education, private schooling, social care and safeguarding, the extension of breakfast club provision and school uniform requirements
Further details of the proposed legislation can be viewed here Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill >> - however from an HR perspective there are several important reforms to highlight.
- New teachers in Academies must have or be working towards qualified teacher status and undertake a statutory induction period. Currently there is no requirement for Academies to engage qualified teachers or require teachers to undertake induction. It is understood that it will still be possible to employ unqualified teachers in certain circumstances – as is currently the case in the maintained sector.
- All teachers will have the same core pay and conditions of service and Academies will be required to follow the national pay and conditions framework for teachers as set out in the STPCD. Whilst many Academies do broadly follow the STPCD – they are currently free to operate outside of its provisions should they wish. This move to harmonise conditions of employment is consistent with the earlier announcement of the reintroduction of the School Support Staff Negotiating Body which will include both maintained school and academy staff within its remit.
- In advance of the STPCD becoming mandatory for Academies, the Government will ask the School Teachers Review Body, which makes recommendations regarding teachers’ pay and conditions, to consider whether additional flexibilities can be incorporated within the terms and conditions framework to attract and retain teachers and meet the needs of both Maintained Schools and Academies.
The Government has indicated it anticipates the changes to qualification and induction requirements will take effect for new teaching appointments from September 2026. No timescales have been given for the requirement for Academies to follow STPCD provisions – however it seems unlikely that these reforms will take effect earlier than September 2026.
We will keep you updated with the progress of these reforms.