Update: Senior Supervisory Assistant rate for Teachers undertaking lunchtime supervision

The Local Authority has confirmed the new Senior Supervisory Assistant rate to be paid to teachers undertaking lunchtime duties in Kent Maintained Schools.
From 1st April 2024 this has increased to £11.44 per hour. The Local Authority have also confirmed that this should be paid on an hourly and not sessional basis.
This allowance is applicable until 1st September 2024. After this date the allowance will be withdrawn. The Local Authority has recommended that where teaching staff are undertaking lunch duties they should be engaged on Kent Scheme terms for this work and be placed on a separate permanent relief contract graded at Kent Range 3. A model job description for the Senior Supervisory Assistant role will be made available on the portal in due course.
These new arrangements are intended to provide clarity regarding the contractual terms for the employment of teachers in Senior Supervisory Assistant roles. Schools are reminded that under their conditions of service set out within the ‘Burgundy Book’, teachers are not permitted to undertake lunchtime supervision as part of their teaching contract.
Kent Academies and non-Kent Schools and Academies are advised to ensure they have appropriate local arrangements in place for the payment of teachers undertaking lunch time duties.
You can view the Local Authority Communication to Schools here>>
Please contact us should you have any questions regarding this change.