What is counselling and how can it help?

Did you know? At Staff Care Services our comprehensive employee assistance programme Support Line offers full contract customers the option of accessing counselling sessions through a simple self-referral process.
We are experienced in supporting individuals who may be accessing counselling for the first time and are understandably nervous or worried about the process. One of the main questions we get asked is what is counselling and how can it help me? To answer this question we asked Natasha Boorman, our friendly Wellbeing and Support Line Co-ordinator to tell us a little more.
For many people, talking issues through with a trained counsellor can significantly help relieve some of the pressure and help them find a way forward. It is important to realise that anyone can struggle or find life overwhelming at times and reaching out for help should not be seen as a sign of weakness. In fact asking for help is a sign of strength and resilience and it can be a great relief to share your worries and fears with someone, as the old saying goes a problem shared is a problem halved.
The most essential benefit of counselling is to provide a safe, confidential space where you can explore differing issues without prejudice. A chance to build a relationship with a trained counsellor you can trust to support you. They are not there to tell you where you went wrong or even to offer advice, you can be confident you will not be judged.
The help and encouragement you receive not only improves your situation but increases self-confidence and self-esteem, having a positive impact on your whole life. Counselling can help gain insight into anxiety or depression; or help heal the wounds of a personal trauma, how to communicate better in relationships; and managing conflict with confidence; Workplace stress or simply discover how to live a more meaningful life.
During counselling sessions, you'll be encouraged to express your feelings and emotions, by discussing your concerns with the counsellor to help gain a better understanding of your feelings and thought processes, as well as identifying ways of finding your own solutions to problems. Sessions can be face to face, (you will not be laying on a couch and the counsellor sitting there with a clipboard!) virtually or on the phone, the choice is yours!
Counselling can help you find the best way for you, at your own pace to move forward, get through this time in your life, and reach new goals.
If you would like to find out more about Support Line or discuss how an employee assistance programme could support your staff’s overall health and wellbeing please get in touch by emailing wellbeing@staffcareservices.org.uk